Orchestre de Musique Irlandaise (OMI)
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tunes.php du : 20/12/2019 03:42:48

Solfege : kit de survie
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Titres 2 mesures Styles Tonalités Suites Numéros
A View From Across The Valley fded B/c/B dB|AFF/F/F DFAd| REEL D 52 181
An Paistin Fionn (3Bcd|eg fe de fd|gb ag f2 gf| HORNPIPE Edor 64 221
Autumn Child e=f|eAAB c2dc|B/c/BAB G2ED| AIR Ador 24 108
Bag of Spuds (the) A{B}AeA BAeA|ABcd eBdB| REEL Ador 34 7
Ballydesmond polka EA AB|cd e2|G>G GA|GE ED| POLKA Ador 12 12
Ballynahula polka c2 BA|FA AB|c2 BA|Bc e2| POLKA A 12 88
Beauties of Autumn (the) E>G|BE GB AF D>E|FB, DF A2 B/c/d| MARCH Edor 22 115
Bird in the Bush (the) d2eB dBBB|cBAB G2 AG| REEL G 39 34
Boys on the Hilltop (the) A2Ac B/c/B AG|EGGF G2AG| REEL Ador 22 82
Brenda Stubbert's A2BA BAAB|A2Bd edde| REEL Ador 52 180
Brown Bread and Cheese F2 GF/G/|BA Dd|cA Bc|BA FE| POLKA D 32 136
Bunker Hill cA|GEcE D/E/D AD|E/F/G AB c/d/c Bc| REEL Dmix 69 249
Castle Kelly AAcA ABcA|GcEG G/A/GEG| REEL Ador 38 144
Coleman's Maid On The Green GGG dGd|edB dBA| JIG G 63 220
Come West Along the Road d2BG dGBG|G2Bd efge| REEL G 55 193
Concert Reel (the) BAGB AE~E2|GABG ~A3B| REEL G 7 62
Creel of Turf (the) EBB BAG|FDF AGF| JIG Edor 14 16
Cunla FED EFG | Add cAG | JIG D 77 262
Cup of Tea BAGF GEEE|GEBE GEEE| REEL Edor 34 131
Dance Of The Honeybees (the) F2 EF DF AF|(3GAG FG E2 EF| HORNPIPE D 23 102
Diplodocus B|cBA edB|cAA ABc| JIG Amix 35 72
Doberman's Wallet FG|A2F EDE|FDD DFA| JIG D 72 239
Down by the Sally Gardens DE|F2 ED|E2 FA| SONG D 11 90
Dr O'Neill dcd AFD|EEF G2A| JIG D 40 148
Farewell to Ireland A,A,A,C EEEF|GEDB, G,A,B,G,| REEL Ador 81 276
Farewell to Whalley Range F2c BAF FAE|F2c BAc fec| SLIP JIG F#m 8 81
First Pint (the) dAB d2A|Bdf efd| JIG D 14 13
Fred Finn's AAAB ABde|fdec d/e/dcA| REEL D 38 140
Gallaghers Frolic EEE GFE|BAB dBA| JIG Edor 63 209
George White's Favorite Bd|e~B3 eBdB|AGAB GEDE| REEL G 9 84
Give me your Hand D2|E2 G2 G2|G4 D2| AIR G 25 105
Green Fields of Rosbeigh (the) BEEE BAFB|ABde fded| REEL Edor 2 25
Hanley's Tweed A2eA fAeA|BdAB G/A/G GB| REEL Ador 30 123
Hardiman the Fiddler A2G FDE F2G | SLIP JIG Dmix 78 274
Haunted House (the) D|G2G AGA|BGE EDE| JIG G 9 39
Heather Breeze DGBG dGBG|DFAF cFAF| REEL G 4 77
Helvic Head GGG AGE|AAA AGE| JIG G 28 121
Her Golden Hair Was Hanging Down Her Back cd|edce d2cA|GEEE GAcd| HORNPIPE C 33 133
Hewlett D2 D2 FG|AB c2 A2| PLANXTY D 48 153
High Drive (the) d/e/d de fedA|B/c/B gB BAGB| REEL D 30 124
Hill of Thieves d/e/d/c/ d/c/A/A/|A/A/G/A/ c/G/A/c/| SONG Am 75 258
Humours of Ballyconnel ed|c2 (3Bcd cB AB|AG EF GA Bd| HORNPIPE A 3 83
Humours of Ballyloughlin (AAA AGE)|GED DED| JIG Dmix 51 183
Humours Of Drinagh (the) FDF ABc|dfd ecA| JIG D 1 58
Humours of Tullycrine (the) ed|cA AB cB cd|ea ag (3ege dB| HORNPIPE Ador 3 40
Humours of Whiskey gfe fBB fBB|gfe fBB fga| SLIP JIG Bm 78 272
Hunter's House (the) BBdB cAFA|G2BG DGBG| REEL G 10 86
Imelda Roland's B2GA BGdB|ADFD ADFA| REEL Edor 30 122
Jackie Coleman's AFFF EFDE|FFAF BFAF| REEL D 10 85
Jackson's efed BBdB|BAGB AFGF| REEL Edor 22 106
James Byrne's dfa afd dcd|Bcd e/f/ed cBA| SLIP JIG D 59 212
Jessica's ef/e/ ce|fe Bc|A>B cA|ec B2| POLKA A 65 202
Joe Cooley's Delight e|fef d2B|ABA ABd| JIG D 67 228
John Brosnan's G2 Ge|dB Be|dB AG/A/|BA AB| POLKA G 32 130
John McHugh's A|B2d ded|BAB GAB| JIG G 5 73
John Walsh G>A BA|GE ED|B,D ED|B,D ED| POLKA G 32 132
Johnny Cope A2AB A2Bd | efed B2AG | HORNPIPE G 76 233
Kilty Town BG G/G/G d2cA|B/c/d cA BAGB| REEL G 26 110
La valse des jouets ff fg fe|dB AF D2| WALTZ D 60 205
Lady Margaret Stewart f2Bf dBf2|f/^g/a ef cedc| FLING Bm 42 158
Langstrom's Pony fed cAA|EAA cAA| JIG Amix 54 197
Larry's Favourite AG|EAAG ABcd eA A/A/A BAGE| REEL Ador 62 213
Launching of the Boat (the) defd AGFA|BEE/E/E BAFA| REEL D 34 103
Laurel Tree (the) eAAA e2dc|BGGG BGBd| REEL Ador 4 69
Leaving the Nest fdB FBd|ecA EAc| JIG Bm 28 33
Little Stack Of Oats (the) GA|B2BG A2GE|DEGA G2Bd| HORNPIPE G 33 134
Lord Inchiquin A2|d2 de fe|d2 ed cB| PLANXTY D 66 225
Lough Mountain BBBE FEFA|BBeB dBAF| REEL Edor 52 163
Lucy Campbell's ADFD A/A/A AB|ADFD EFGB| REEL D 55 194
Maid of Mount Cisco (the) EA A/A/A BGAG|EA A/A/A BGAG| REEL Ador 26 113
Mairtin O'Connor's Flying Clog G/G/G GB dGBd|edce dBAB| REEL G 15 47
Man of the House (the) EEBE GABG|EEBE FEDF| REEL Edor 15 91
Martin Wynne's N1 AFFF GEEE|F/G/F AF EFDB,| REEL D 68 245
Mayor Harrisson Fedora GBEG BBAF|GFGA BdAG| REEL Edor 69 237
McDonagh's B2 Ac BEED|E2BE B,EB=c | REEL Edor 79 267
Molly Bawn EBBA B2AG|FDAD BDAF| REEL Edor 79 80
Monaghan jig BGE F/G/FE|BGE FGA| JIG Edor 28 128
Morgan Magan D2|D2G2 G2A2|cBAG Bcd2| AIR G 29 184
Muireann's dBA ~B3|def ede| JIG Bm 21 99
Night Before Larry Was Stretched (the) dcB BFB B2d|cBA AEA cde| SLIP JIG Bm 8 31
O'Carolan's Concerto (3ABc|d2 dd d2 cB|AB GA F2 A2| AIR D 29 126
O'Connell's Trip To Parliament dcAF G2FG|Adde fdec| REEL D 2 59
Paddy Fahey's jig cBA EAB|cBA aed| JIG Ador 54 198
Paddy O'Rafferty's GAB D2D|GAB AGE| JIG G 1 3
Patsy Geary's F2A AFA B=cB A2G|F2A d2e f3 fef| SLIDE D 36 137
Princess Royal (the) BA|G2 F2 E2 B/c/d|BA GF E2 B/c/d| AIR Edor 13 94
Pull the Knife and Stick it Again EEE GFE|DFE DB,D| JIG Edor 54 190
Reaping The Rye BcB B/c/BA GFE|GAG Bge Tf2e| SLIP JIG Em 13 104
Riding on a Load of Hay E>F GA|Be ef/e/|dB AG|FD DF| POLKA Em 65 201
Rip the Calico d2dc defd|ed (B/c/d) egfe| REEL D 68 243
Si Beag Si Mor de|f2 fe d2|d2 de d2| PLANXTY D 71 257
Sonny Brogan's cAB c2c|dcd eee| JIG Ador 51 187
South Wind Orchestral (the) c2|B3 AG2|B3 cd2| AIR G 6 63
Sporting Paddy EAAA GABG|EAAF G/A/GFG| REEL Ador 7 67
Star Above The Garter (the) d2B BAG A2A ABA|G2E c2B BAG ABc| SLIDE G 36 109
Strayaway Child A|BEE GEE|B,EE G2 A| JIG Em 61 214
The Atholl Highlanders e2e ecA | ecA Bcd | JIG Amix 70 261
The Blackbird AB|cBcB A^GA^d|e^deB G2E2| SETDANCE Edor 35 135
The Boys of Tulla dddA BdAB|dddf edBc| REEL D 41 154
The Chanter's Song A2A2 e2 d>B|A2A2 g2f>g| MARCH Amix 37 146
The Crooked Road To Dublin G3G FGAF|G2FG AdcA| REEL G 69 251
The Enchanted Lady AAAG FAdB|AGFD EAAA| REEL D 68 246
The Errigal A2eA AAeA|Bdge dBGB| REEL Ador 37 147
The Foxhunter e2 cA eAcA|e/f/e cA BAFA| REEL A 62 219
The Galway Hornpipe D2FA dAFD|CDEF GEFE| HORNPIPE D 41 149
The Gortnatubrid f>e|dB cA|Bc de|fd ed|cA f>e| POLKA Bm 65 207
The Harp And The Shamrock gf|ef ge dB GB|AG EF G2 (3Bcd| HORNPIPE G 69 236
The Highland Laddie A3B c2e2|dc BA c3d| MARCH A 70 244
The Highland Laddie A3B c2e2|dc BA c3d| MARCH A 70 244
The Holy Land BBBd A/B/A Bc|dDDD FDFA| REEL D 68 247
The Leaving of Liverpool (C) CD|(E2 EG) (FE) (DC)|c2 A2 G2 CD| SONG C 80 270
The Leitrim Fancy GBG FAF|E2B BAB| JIG Em 68 241
The Morning Lark B|AFD D2A,|DEF A2=c| JIG D 67 227
The New Land B>A|G2-G>D G>A|B<d-d2 e2| WALTZ G 39 150
The One that was Lost f|edB BAF|E2 E EFA| JIG Edor 54 177
The Rakes Of Westmeath d2d dAG FED|ded dAF GAB| SLIP JIG D 59 215
The Street Player DFAd fffe | dcde fdAF | REEL D 79 265
The Sword in Hand GABG FGAF|EBBA BGEF| REEL Edor 68 242
The Tailor's Thimble GEED EEEF|GEEE AFDF| REEL Edor 55 200
The Trip to Fanore GFGB dB B/B/B|dege dBGB| REEL G 53 155
The Westland EGBe g2ag|fdde f2ef| AIR Edor 56 174
Throw Away The Keys AAAB defg|aafd e/f/e dB| REEL D 55 199
Tom Billy's 2 eAA gAA|edB BAB| JIG Ador 72 256
Tony Rowes's E|FFF AFE|EDB, A,B,D| JIG D 67 230
Whelan's EEE BAF|FEB AFD| JIG Edor 5 74
Whistler at the Wake (the) F2A AFA|BBB efg| JIG D 67 28
Willie's Old Trousers EAAc B/c/B EB|c2BA BGGA| FLING Am 42 145
Windbroke BEEE GABE|-EGAd BBAG | REEL Em 64 218
Wonder (the) (3DEF|Gd BG Fc AF|(3GFG BG D2 GF| HORNPIPE G 23 101
Titres 2 mesures Styles Tonalités Suites Numéros

A Ador Am Amix Bm C D Dmix Edor Em F#m G Tot
6 17 2 4 6 2 35 3 22 5 1 26 129
4.65% 13.18% 1.55% 3.10% 4.65% 1.55% 27.13% 2.33% 17.05% 3.88% 0.78% 20.16% 100.00%

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